Monday, November 26, 2012

The Other Aurora - Chapter Two: Hope.

“Hope is the thing with feathers 
That perches in the soul 
And sings the tune without the words 
And never stops at all.” 
Emily Dickinson.

Image by John Collier.

Philip could not control himself and burst into tears at the sight of her beloved Aurora. She lied motionless in an improvised bed. At least Maleficent had the decency to lie her in a bed, thought the Prince as he climbed into it and caressed Aurora's pale cheeks. He was desperate to wake her up, yet, at the same time, felt the need to enjoy the moment. He had been waiting for years and wanted it to be perfect. He wanted to be the first thing she saw when she woke up, for the landscape and the scenery awaiting were despairing.

As he prepared himself for the long awaited kiss, he considered the words of Aurora's seven fairy godmothers on the curse placed upon her.

"Maleficent's curses have always had to do with the manipulation of time."

"She has always been obsessed with stopping the passing of time."

"That is the reason why even after you kiss her, the curse may still linger for years."

"Depending on how long it takes you to find the witch's castle and vanquish her dragon form..."

"...will be the result of your quest."

"The best outcome will be for her to wake up and the kingdom to be restored immediately.Yet it may also be possible that she wakes up, but the kingdom  continues to be affected by the slumber in some way." 

"And the worst thing that could for you to be too late. But that is unlikely, one hundred years or more have to go by for this to happen."

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